Values education spans a lifetime, commencing in homes and extending through societal influence and formal schooling. This study aims to delve into primary school teachers' insights on values education within primary education. Adoptinga qualitative method, the research relied on interviews as the primary source of data collection. The participants, drawn from ten schools in the North and South Dhaka City Corporation, were selected through purposive sampling, a subset of intentional sampling. Theoretically, grounded in Kohlberg's moral development theory, this study uncovered that introducing values education early significantly bolsters children's readiness for the future, shapes their character, and nurtures enduring values. Several actors are responsible for shaping the values of education of children. However, participants highlighted the pivotal role of parents in this educational journey. The findings suggested that valueseducation could either be a standalone subject or incorporated into existing courses, with an emphasis on using case studies and drama to impart appropriate behaviors and cultivate empathy among students.