The initiation of a reactive material by an inert particle at a high initial temperature and with a limited heat reserve is studied numerically. The possibility of using known ignition criteria to study the process are analyzed. The effect of burnout on hightemperature ignition by a particle with a limited heat reserve is studied. Four regimes of the process and the critical parameters separating these regimes are determined.Investigation of the initiation of reactive materials (RMs) by a hot inert inclusion involves the solution of questions of fire and explosion safety of various technological processes and the sensitivity of materials to external nonthermal actions. For example, during welding, an explosion hazard can occur when heated particles comes in contact with a material capable of explosive transformation. Local hot spots arise during radiation absorption by optical inhomogeneities present in a RM transparent to radiation or during adiabatic compression of gas inclusions under impact [1].The theoretical investigation of the thermal part of the problem reduces to solving the problem of ignition of a RM by a hot inclusion with a finite heat reserve. The ignition of a RM by hot inert bodies of various shapes have been studied numerically [2][3][4][5][6][7]. Vilyunov and Kolchin [2] considered the case of ignition by a hot inert plate with a low thermal conductivity [2]. The critical conditions (limiting plate width) and ignition parameters with an insignificant effect of the burnout of the RM were determined by approximate theoretical solution and numerically. Grishin and Subbotin [3] considered the opposite limiting case of ignition of a RM by a high-conducting hot inert body of symmetrical shape. The low-temperature and high-temperature ignition regimes and conjugate heat transfer between the hot inert body and RM were studied. Approximation formulas were determined that describe the critical particle size separating the regimes of ignition of the 1 Tomsk State University, Tomsk 634050;
RM and gradual cooling of the inert body. Gol'dshliger et al. [4] and Loskutov and Sandrykina[5] studied the ignition by a hot inert particle of symmetrical shape taking into account the particle temperature distribution. The critical particle size and the effect exerted on it by the temperature distribution in an inert particle were determined. The heat exchange between an inert particle and a RM and heterogeneous chemical reactions on the inert particle surface were studied in [5]. Kuzntesov et al. [6,7] performed a numerical analysis of the ignition of a condensed material by a particle heated to high temperatures taking into account twodimensional heat transfer in the neighborhood of the region of contact of the particle with the material. An asymptotic analysis of the critical conditions of ignition of a material by a body with a finite heat reserve was performed by Berman and Ryazantsev [8]. In the cited studies, the burnout of the RM was not taken into account [4,[6][7][8] or was considered in a l...