We define a notion of Λ-simulation for coalgebraic modal logics, parametric on the choice Λ of predicate liftings for a functor T . We show this notion is adequate in several ways: i) it preserves truth of positive formulas, ii) for Λ a separating set of monotone predicate liftings, the associated notion of Λ-bisimulation corresponds to T -behavioural equivalence (moreover Λ-nbisimulations correspond to T -n-behavioural equivalence), and iii) in fact, for Λ-separating and T preserving weak pullbacks, difunctional Λ-bisimulations are T -bisimulations. In essence, we arrive at a modular notion of equivalence that, when used with a separating set of monotone predicate liftings, coincides with Tbehavioural equivalence regardless of whether T preserves weak pullbacks (unlike the notion of T -bisimilarity).