We study hole spin resonance in a p-channel silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor. In the sub-threshold region, the measured source-drain current reveals a double dot in the channel. The observed spin resonance spectra agree with a model of strongly coupled two-spin states in the presence of a spin-orbit-induced anti-crossing. Detailed spectroscopy at the anticrossing shows a suppressed spin resonance signal due to spin-orbit-induced quantum state mixing. This suppression is also observed for multi-photon spin resonances. Our experimental observations agree with theoretical calculations.PACS numbers: 73.63. Kv, 73.23.Hk, The silicon-based metal-oxide-semiconductor fieldeffect transistor (MOSFET) is a key element of largescale integrated circuits that are at the core of modern technology. Looking into the future, a universal faulttolerant quantum computer also requires a huge number of physical qubits, on the order of 10 8 or more [1,2]. As such, a qubit integrated with the standard Si MOS-FET architecture would be truly attractive from the perspectives of scaling up and leveraging existing technologies. One example of such a qubit is the spin of an impulity/defect in the channel of a Si MOSFET. Indeed, spin qubits defined in Si nano-devices are not only compatible with current silicon technology, but are also known to be one of the most quantum coherent among known qubit designs [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13].Although there are many studies of impurities and defects in Si [14], single impurity/defect in the channel of a Si MOSFET has only recently been studied experimentally, by single-electron tunneling [15][16][17][18][19]. Spins of such defects are difficult to characterize because of their weakly-interacting nature. Controlling the spins of impurities in a MOSFET, as well as in a gate-confined quantum dot, can be achieved much more easily in a pchannel MOSFET than an n-channel. The reason is that the larger spin-orbit interaction (SOI) of a hole (-like) spin enables the spin resonance by an oscillatory electric field, instead of a magnetic field, at microwave frequencies under typical sub-Tesla static magnetic fields. Such electrically-driven spin resonance (EDSR) has been demonstrated in III-V devices [20][21][22][23], as well as in Si [24][25][26], while SOI effects in gate-confined Si quantum dots have been investigated in the spin blockade region [27]. However, systematic investigations of EDSR * E-mail address: k-ono@riken.jp † these authors contributed equally to this work under the direct influence of SOI have not been performed in Si, the material that provides an ideal stage for studying SOI due to the minor presence of nuclear spins.In this work we study sub-threshold transport and EDSR in a short p-channel Si MOSFET, and quantitatively reveal the effects of SOI and EDSR on lifting the spin blockade. Specifically, our transport measurements demonstrate that there are two effective dots in the channel, which allow us to identify a spin blockade regime and explore spin reso...