Gede catchment is the part of Bromo Volcano System. It is located in the Malang Regency, East Java Province. The wide of Gede Catchment is around 17 Km 2. Based on the landslide prone area mapping, this area has high potential landslide around 52,9%. There were several landslides which had been occurred in this area. Based on the physical condition, this area is rather not appropriate for living. In the other hand, the community had been survived to live in harmony with high potential landslide prone area. The aim of paper is to elaboration of community adaptation strategies which had been survived in landslide prone area.The method was carried by field survey including observation and in-deep interview to the Gede Catchment's community regarding adaptation strategies for surviving to live harmony with high potential landslide prone area. Field survey for data collection was carried out by grounded research technique.Based on the real condition, the Gede Catchment's community had been survived to live in harmony with high potential landslide prone area. They were very much aware on their living environmental as well as their economic income. Mostly, the community planted several local plantation (agroforestry system) in the inactive landslide (ex-landslide area) and active landslide. It is as the solution between how conserving the landslide prone area with the sustainable economic income. The plantation is the effective protection to soil movement