The single-stand reversible cold rolling mill is important equipment in the production of steel strips. The rolling schedule is the core technological content in the strip production of the single-stand reversible cold rolling mill. The scientific rolling schedule is the fundamental guarantee for the production capacity of the rolling mill, product quality, accuracy, shape quality, energy saving, and consumption reduction. This paper takes the dynamic rolling process of single-stand cold rolling as the research object, the purposes of increasing production capacity, saving energy, and reducing consumption are achieved by optimizing the rolling schedule. Based on the study of the mechanism model and the analysis of a large number of field measured data, a slice of mathematical models of the rolling process suitable for engineering calculation are proposed, and a few objective functions suitable for the single-stand reversible cold rolling process are designed. On this basis, the artificial fish swarm algorithm is improved into a multiobjective optimization algorithm for the optimization of rolling schedule, and the optimal rolling load distribution scheme is obtained. Finally, the optimization method of rolling schedule proposed in this paper is applied to the actual rolling production. The results show that the proposed method can improve productivity and save energy compared with the empirical rolling schedule, and the feasibility and validity of the proposed algorithm are verified.