TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
AbstractPetrobras as the operator of the Roncador field located offshore Brazil plans to develop part of this field utilizing a semi-submersible unit located in approximately 1800 meters of water depth. The paper presents key engineering challenges, solutions, and lessons learned from the design and analysis of a large number of steel catenary risers (SCRs) attached to this floating production unit (FPU).To demonstrate the robustness of the SCR design, sensitivity studies were performed with respect to governing parameters including hang off angle, soil properties, current data, hang off system, strake coverage, computer modeling, fatigue design data and other design inputs.The lessons learned from the execution of the SCR design are summarized and discussed. These lessons will have significant relevance to the future SCR projects not only in offshore Brazil but also other geographical locations.It has been concluded that the Roncador SCR design can safely withstand environmental loads and the effects of the FPU motion and that the system is reliable and robust.