An overview of the Conditions Database (DB) structure for the hadronic Tile Calorimeter (TileCal), one of the sub-systems of the ATLAS detector at LHC, is presented. ATLAS Conditions DB stores the data on the ORACLE backend, and the design and implementation have been developed using the COOL (Conditions Objects for LCG) software package as a common persistency solution for the storage and management of the conditions data. TileCal conditions and calibration data are stored in 4 separate Databases, each with its own schema: TileCal Online and Offline DBs for data, DB for Monte Carlo simulation and Detector Control System (DCS) DB. In order to ensure smooth operation of the TileCal during data taking, experts perform the necessary calibrations, add the changes of detector status and other conditions data, prepare new conditions for data reprocessing and Monte Carlo production campaigns, and upload the new up-to-date information into DB using custom-made software tools. The procedure of TileCal conditions’ preparation, validation, uploading to DBs is described, and some DB-related statistics collected in Run 2 is presented.