and Krona Rakic-EI Bied 12Avenue deFrance Rabat, MoroccoABSfRAcr: The Messinian Salinity Crisis is several crises that fit the context of catastrophic modeling of the history of a Mediterranean "saline giant." Ofthe explanations available, we prefer the deep-basin/deep-water precipitation model for the early, deep-basin, massive gypsums and halites, contemporaneous with marginal, lagoonal gypsums; and the deep-basin/shallow-water desiccation theory to explain the later, shallow cyclic gypsums with associated logo mare faunas. The western basins before and after the Crisiswere deepenough to maintain intermediate oceanicwater-masses, which is not possible today because ofshallowthresholds.Early Pliocene mean paleodepths ofthe western basinswere at least in the order of than 1500m, which is the mean depth of the present Mediterranean. Tectonic changes in the threshold to the Atlantic were responsible for the isolation of the Paleo-Mediterranean during a eustatic high stand, followed by regression consequent to the evaporite precipitation phases.The context of Messinian stratigraphy has changed to include more events leading up to the Crisis. It began with evaporite deposition in the eastern basins during the Tortonian, and served to concentrate saline bottom-waters that later overflowed across the Pelagian Sea toward the west. In the western basins, it started at 6.4 Ma with a general water-budget deficit that altered the inflow over the threshold in the Rifian Corridor. A time of unusually high organic productivity and water-mass stratification followed, contemporaneous with evaporite deposition in some of the marginal seas and lagoons.Massive gypsum and halite deposition took place in the deep western basin in Chron 5 between 5.4 and 53 Ma. Our studies in Morocco and Spain indicate that passages to the Atlantic were closed during the cyclicgypsum and "lago mare" deposition, which took place during the long negative polarity reversal ofChron Gilbert from 53 to 4.9 Ma. We doubt that there were multiple marine inundations from the Atlantic into the Mediterranean after the first drawdown. The Rifian Corridor was closed by olistostromes at about 5.5 Ma. The last "leak" through the Gibraltar Barrier probably occurred in a passage through Oued Laou in northern Morocco at 5.4 Ma. The Oued Laou valley, which now forms a gorge through the Rif Mountains, could have furnished the influx of enough marine water in 27,000 years to furnish the nearly kilometer thick salt deposits of the deep Mediterranen basins.Gypsum deposits associated with shallow Paratethyan caspi-brackish (less than 8 0/00 salinity) ostracode and mollusk faunas, in the lower parts of both the Tyrrhenian and Algero-Provencal Basins, show that water depths in the deep basins changed from more than 1000 m to in the order of 100 m or less. However, faunal alternations typical of playa deposition are missing. The chemical composition of both gypsum and fossil shells indicate significant meteoric water, signaling a "fresh-water crisis." It is probable that phreati...