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March 2012
Final Report
DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENTApproved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited
SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES14. ABSTRACT-The purpose of this study was to determine if xenon has a neuroprotectant effect in an vivo animal model of TBI. The Specific Aims were to determine the effect of inhaled xenon on brain histopathology, behavior, in short-and long-term fluid percussion (FP) and controlled cortical impact (CCI) rat models of TBI compared to controls. A unique xenon-recirculation delivery device in which the concentration of xenon and oxygen are reproducibly and accurately controlled and conserved was developed and manufactured. Outcome measures planned included histology and neurobehavioral measures. Data from initial experiments reported in 2010 using the CCI model and 50% xenon administration could not be utilized, as we discovered that although IACUC and VA Research Approvals were in place, ACURO approval was not in place. ACURO application documents were submitted again directly. Furthermore, the rat line that was utilized for the TBI model was discontinued by the supplier, necessitating a change to a different rat line. Extensive administrative and financial revisions to the SOW and budget subsequently ensued to try to feasibly achieve the revised scientific ends of the project. Administrative and financial issues between DoD and the primary recipient organization were not resolved before the final expiry of the project and before any studies could proceed with appropriate approvals in place.