APortions of this document mag be iliegible in electronic image products. bigs are produced from the best available original dOCUXQt3lL ' : SUMMARY A study was undertaken to determine the dissolution characteristics of two NWCF .calcine types. A two-way blended calcine made from 4 parts non-radibactive aluminum nitrate and one part WM-102 was studied to determine the extent of dissolution for aluminum-type calcines. A two-way blend of 3.5 parts fluorine1 waste from WM-187 and 1 part sodium waste from WM-185 was used to determine the extent of dissolution for zirconium-type calcines.This study was necessary to develop suitable aqueous separation flowsheets for the partitioning of actinides and fission products from ICPP calcines and to determine the disposition of the resulting undissolved solids (UDS). Work presented in this report is an extension of laboratory tests performed by Herbst and coworkers, who developed a dissolution flowsheet using non-radioactive calcine [ 13. The dissolution flowsheet developed by Herbst was used to dissolve these' two NWCF calcine types.Since this was a feasibility study, many questions about calcine dissolution and the physical nature of the undissolved solids still remain. However, this study does verify the use of non-radioactive pilot-plant calcine as a suitable surrogate to predict calcine dissolution. In addition, this study verifies the use of non-radioactive calcine to further study the dissolution process in order to answer the remaining questions and optimize the process.Results show that greater than 95 wt% of aluminum and zirconium calcine types were dissolved after a single batch contact with 5 M HNO,. A characterization of the UDS indicates that the weight percent of TRU elements in the UDS resulting from both calcine type dissolutions increases by approximately an order of magnitude from their concentrations prior to dissolution. Substantial activities of cesium and strontium are also present in the UDS resulting from the dissolution of both , . calcine types. Multiple TRU, Cs, and Sr analyses of both UDS types show that these solids are relatively homogeneous.From this study, it is estimated that between 63.5 and 635 cubic meters of UDS will be generated from the dissolution of 3800 m3 of calcine. These UDS will be comprised of Al,03, CaF, , CaAl,O,, Ca&Zr0.8501~85, and possibly Nb,Zr,O,,. The significant actinide and fission product activities in these UDS will preclude their disposal as low-level waste.