“…In addition to the sustained U release into systemic circulation that we have observed in the DU exposed cohort, [McDiarmid et al, 2000[McDiarmid et al, , 2001[McDiarmid et al, , 2004[McDiarmid et al, , 2007[McDiarmid et al, , 2009[McDiarmid et al, , 2011[McDiarmid et al, , 2013, the recent reports of elevated cobalt and chromium levels in the circulation of hip implant patients [Machle, 1940;Dillman et al, 1979;Sunderman et al, 1989;Jacobs et al, 1998; International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 1999; Keegan et al, 2007] suggest that other metals in embedded materials may also mobilize from in situ tissue depots. Such concern has driven the Department of Veterans Affairs to conduct bio-monitoring on patients who have suffered injuries from improvised explosive devices (IED) during the recent Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts.…”