The Bleikvassli Zn-Pb-Cu deposit occurs in the Uppermost Allochthon in the Caledonides of northern Norway. The orebody is enclosed in amphibolite-facies schists and gneisses, underlain by amphibolites, and it has been classified as a sediment-hosted massive sulphide (SEDEX) deposit. The stratiform ore is dominantly pyritic, with a basal layer of pyrrhotitic ore. Sulphide veins occur in the footwall. The orebody generally has a limited range of ~34S, from 0.3 to 4.5%0 (x=2.4+ 1.2%o, 1 a, n=26). The lowest ~34S values (0.3-2.3%o) were found in sulphide veins in the footwall and vent proximal stratiform ore. More distal pyritic Zn-Pb ore has heavier average ~34S values (up to 4.5%0). The ore sulphides were deposited from a hydrothermal solution with 634S about 2%o, perhaps with the incorporation of a minor portion of sulphide from the ambient seawater. The hydrothermal solution probably acquired most of its sulphide from the underlying mixed lithology; notably basaltic rocks. Sulphide produced by thermochemical reduction of seawater in the deep conduit system may also have been incorporated. Bacteriogenic sulphide is not likely as a major source of ore sulphur in the massive ore. Sulphide incorporated in distal pyrite, which have 634S from -12 to -10%o, could have formed either by oxidation of the hydrothermal sulphide, or by bacterial reduction of seawater sulphate in the depositional environment. Exchange of sulphur isotopes probably took place only on a localized scale during Caledonian metamorphism, the bulk sulphur isotopic composition of the ore being preserved in a hand specimen scale.The stratiform character of the metamorphosed, polydeformed Pb-Zn-Cu orebody at Bleikvassli was established by Vokes (1963Vokes ( , 1966. The host rocks comprise a metasedimentary sequence, with metabasaltic rocks occurring in the footwall (Ramberg 1967;Skauli 1990). The Present address: Saga Petroleum, Norway orebody was classified as a sediment-hosted massive sulphide (SEDEX) deposit by Stephens et al. (1984) and Skauli (1990). Vertical and horizontal metal zonation in the stratiform orebody (Vokes 1963; Skauli 1990) indicate that synsedimentary chemical features have been preserved throughout Caledonian deformation and metamorphism. Vent proximal Cu-rich pyrrhotitic ore, Pb-Zn rich pyritic ore and distal, Zn-rich, pyritic ore can be distinguished as facies in the stratiform ore. Footwall sulphide veins with high Cu, Pb, Ag and trace element (notably Sb) contents have been interpreted as feeder mineralizations (Skauli 1990). Quartzites and quartzofeldspathic rocks with pyrite disseminations have been interpreted as distal chemical sediments associated with the orebody (Skauli 1990).We report the results of a sulphur isotope study designed to test the suggested genetic relationships between the different types of mineralizations: footwall vein mineralization, vent proximal Cu-rich pyrrhotitic ore, PbZn-rich vent proximal and Zn-rich distal pyritic ore, and distal pyrite. The limited spread in 634S of all mineralization types ex...