This exploratory study delves into the intricacies of transformational leadership within the technology sector, drawing insights from the leadership styles of Steve Jobs of Apple and Jeff Bezos of Amazon. The research aimed to understand how transformational leadership traits influence organizational outcomes like innovation, employee motivation, engagement, and overall performance. To achieve this, the study employed a mixed-method approach, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques. Primary data was gathered using a structured questionnaire, which was administered to a purposively sampled group of 567 respondents, all holding leadership or managerial roles in various industries. The questionnaire design integrated both closed-ended and open-ended questions to facilitate a comprehensive analysis. The data analysis involved rigorous regression analysis to quantitatively assess the relationships between specific transformational leadership traits and organizational outcomes. Key findings revealed a strong positive correlation between the level of inspirational motivation demonstrated by leaders and the degree of organizational innovation. Additionally, significant relationships were observed between the extent of individualized consideration by leaders and employee motivation and engagement, as well as between strategic vision and risk-taking by leaders and key organizational performance metrics. Drawing from these insights, the study recommends cultivating a leadership style that emphasizes inspirational motivation, individualized consideration, and strategic risk-taking. This approach is crucial for fostering innovation, enhancing employee motivation and engagement, and improving overall organizational performance in the rapidly evolving technology sector.