“…Once this special edition is published, the group of women writers who have cited Baron and Taylor's (1969) book will include contributors who also write about gender and educational leadership: Jacky Lumby as a single author (Lumby 2006(Lumby , 2009a(Lumby , 2009b(Lumby , 2009c(Lumby , 2011(Lumby , 2013 and co-author (Morrison et al 2006, Lumby and Coleman 2007, Morrison et al 2007, Morrison and Lumby 2009, Lumby and Morrison 2010, Heystek and Lumby 2011, Lumby and Azaola 2011, Lumby and Heystek 2012, Eugenie Samier (see Samier 2000, Samier et al 2006, Samier and Schmidt 2009, 2010 and Kay Fuller (see Fuller 2009Fuller , 2010Fuller , 2013). …”