Purpose up until this point, the prevalent concept of authentic leadership (AL) has lackedappropriate testing for employees motivating outcomes, such as job satisfaction and performance. Whileunwell and unable to work at full capacity, job satisfaction or performance suffers, resulting in lostproduction and a major economic burden on enterprises and national economies. Using organizationalculture as a lens, this study seeks to provide a conceptual framework for the link between AL and jobsatisfaction and performance, integrating organizational culture's mediating function.Design, Methodology, and Approach – This work employs a Preferred Reporting Items for SystematicReviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol to conduct a systematic literature review of existingresearch on AL, Job satisfaction, job performance, and other topics relevant to this research stream. Theproposed strategy includes four recommendations to facilitate a more in-depth examination of AL.Conclusions – This article can investigate possible employee motivating consequences, especially whenconsidering organizational job satisfaction and job performance, thanks to a shift in attention to theelement of value-based leadership. While most research on job satisfaction has focused on the negativeeffects, this study looks at how AL may be useful and beneficial in a variety of situations. This studypresents a conceptual framework and instructions based on a PRISMA flowchart that researchers may useto lead companies and assess future research projects in AL and job satisfaction and performance.Limitations and implications of the research – One significant implication of this study is its emphasison the necessity for scholars to employ artificial intelligence (AI) when conducting research evaluationsin the field of organizational leadership. In addition to this overarching objective, the present study willaid researchers in systematically and rationally formulating a comprehensive and practical researchapproach. It is anticipated that the implementation of this conceptual framework will result in enhancedlevels of job satisfaction and performance.Originality/ Value – The systematic literature review provides a unique platform for future scholars toundertake and investigate empirical studies in organizational leadership. Future researchers andpractitioners will be directed to investigate ways for recognizing and managing job performance and jobsatisfaction at work in order to accomplish practical application of AL inside organizational settings.