Purpose: Since the inception of devolution in Kenya, proper operationalization of devolved administrative structures ought to be in place. The problem lies in the operationalization of devolved administrative structures that has led to poor service delivery. This study intended to bridge the gap by investigating the effect of resources allocation practices on theidevolved administrative structures.
Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive research design with aniobjective to determineiwho, what, where, when, and howimuch.iItiwasiconsidered appropriate because itisoughttto generate accurate profiles for ifactors, events and circumstances. The study incorporated transformational leadership theory that was poled as the creation of positive changes within an organization.
Findings: This study found that, an epitomized rise in strategic leadership practices leads to enhanced operationalization of the devolved administrative structures, and institutionalization that stood to be helpful on devolved administrative structures operations, ensuring information movement should be done continuously and efficiently. As such, significant effect of resources allocation practices on the devolved administrative structures were found to exist.
Recommendation: The research recommends that top leadership in Counties must lucidify the stratagems that project ideas which are persuasive and create improvement of devolved administrative structures that give persuasive transformation.