Introduction: Despite frequent turnover and stress in both Director of Clinical Education (DCE) and Site Coordinator of Clinical Education (SCCE) positions, there are those who demonstrate longevity and success in these roles. Review of the Literature: A recent regional investigation found that successful DCEs and SCCEs share characteristics common to exemplary leaders. e purpose of this qualitative study was to confirm if characteristics of DCEs and SCCEs who demonstrate longevity and success are consistent with the 5 Practices of Exemplary Leaders, an established leadership framework. Subjects: Directors and Site Coordinators of Clinical Education, recognized by peers as leaders with at least 10 years of experience in their position, were recruited through purposive sampling from regional clinical education consortia. Methods: A grounded theory approach was employed to explore qualities, skills and characteristics of DCEs and SCCEs with demonstrated success and longevity in their roles. Cognitive mapping and oneon-one interviews were conducted to explore participants' perspectives. An inductive approach informed coding and thematic development. e DCE and SCCE data were combined for final thematic analysis. Results: Twelve participants completed the study. e findings describe leaders with a firmly established professional identity as a physical therapist and an action-oriented mindset, skilled in creating meaningful relationships, and a capacity to thrive with support. ey demonstrate influence and impact the profession on multiple levels. Discussion/Conclusion: Results of this study validate that DCEs and SCCEs who demonstrate longevity and success in their roles have common leadership characteristics. A model is presented that describes who these leaders are, what they do, what allows them to reach their potential, and what they can achieve. is model can help identify individuals with the skills and traits to excel in these vital roles.