Managers and employees need global leadership competencies in order to operate effectively in international business. In order to prepare both managers and employees for operating in the global arena an instrument measuring global leadership competencies would be very useful. In this article we design a framework for systematically assessing measurement instruments designed to measure Global Management Competencies (GMC). Based on an elaborate search, we found 23 instruments of varying quality, that measure GMC, with a special focus on measuring ways of coping with cultural diversity. These instruments mostly involve self-reporting survey questions only, often measuring attitudes, without referring to actual behaviour in cross-cultural interaction. Using the assessment framework we selected a limited number of instruments that may be useful for assessing global management competencies.
Introduction"The continued globalization of industries has led to the relentless quest by organizations worldwide for global leaders who can help their companies survive and, perhaps thrive, in this highly competitive environment" (Tung 2004). These global leaders are confronted with a range of complex and often paradoxical challenges. "Today's managers must successfully adapt to changing demands and situations, manage multiple lateral relationships, set and implement agendas, and cope with stress and uncertainty" (Dragoni et al. 2009). To prepare global leaders for their role it is important to support them by developing appropriate capabilities. Besides, it is increasingly important to understand why some individuals function more effectively than others in culturally diverse situations (Ang /Van Dyne 2008). Selecting and developing individuals who can function effectively in culturally diverse domestic and international settings is a significant challenge facing most organisations (Van Dyne et al. 2009). Insight into the capabilities of a manager to function effectively in culturally diverse domestic and international settings is clearly useful. In our view, not only insight into these capabilities but also understanding how developmental assignments translate into actual behaviour-based "end-state" outcomes such as managerial competences is important (Aviolo 2007). We focus on 'Global Management Competencies' (GMC) and define these as the ability to monitor, integrate and direct the knowledge, skills, and motivations, together forming behavioural repertoires, which are the building blocks of our behaviour in an environment of business-and cultural -complexity. Several attempts to design an instrument have been made by researchers from a variety of disciplines, including such as Cross-Cultural Communication (Olebe/ Koester 1989): Behavioural Assessment Scale for Intercultural Communication Effectiveness, Organisational Psychology (Ang et al. 2007): the Cultural Intelligence Scale, and International Management (Arora 2004): Kefalas' and Neuland's Global Mindset Questionnaire. To be able to evaluate these instruments it is impor...