Cite (Atıf) : Ozturk, M., Gokyer, E., Dogan, I.A., 2016 Abstract: Determination of the ecophysiological characteristics of deciduous trees in the recreational areas allows construction of planning objectives particularly for the urban forests. Analysis of a multipurpose vegetation parameter; LAI (Leaf Area Index) together with definite meteorological variables supplies to an extent the comprehension of those ecophysiological characteristics. Around this scope, the LAI dynamics of Carpinus betulus L. trees in a recreational area were monitored and analyzed along the foliation period of approximately three months. The mean LAI which was only 0.80 during the budburst stage gradually escalated reaching 1.49 after the flushing stage. The increment of the leaves in size and numbers led to the mean LAI achieve its climax with 3.41 in early May. Then, the mean LAI experienced a stable period until the end of May. The change in the mean LAI were subjected to correlation test especially with the air and soil temperatures. The correlations between the mean LAI and, in particular the soil temperature (r≥0.95) and air temperature were high and significant (P<0.01). There were no definite correlation between the mean LAI and mean sunlight duration, air humidity and total precipitation. Impact of air temperature on the LAI of Carpinus betulus L. trees indicates the vulnerability of the recreational area to possible urban heat oriented climate warming. On the other hand, the influence of soil temperature on the mean LAI warns the susceptibility of the recreational area to possible anthropogenic pressure resulting in soil compaction and regeneration difficulties. Consequently, sustainable management of this recreational area necessitates the anticipation and mitigation of these possible destructions.Keywords: Carpinus betulus L., recreational area, canopy architecture, Leaf Area Index (LAI), hemispherical photographs.
Yarı-kırsal rekreasyonel orman peyzajında yapraklanma dönemi boyunca Avrupa Gürgeninin ekofizyolojik değişimiÖzet: Rekreasyon alanlarında bulunan yaprak döken ağaçlarının ekofizyolojik özelliklerinin tespit edilmesi, bilhassa kent ormanları için planlama hedeflerinin tesis edilmesine imkân sunar. Çok amaçlı bir bitki örtüsü göstergesi olan YAİ'nin (Yaprak Alan İndisi) bazı meteorolojik değişkenlerle birlikte analiz edilmesi bu ekofizyolojik özelliklerin bir nebze anlaşılmasına yardım eder. Bu çerçevede, bir rekreasyon alanında bulunan Carpinus betulus L. ağaçlarının YAİ dinamikleri, yaklaşık üç ay süren yapraklanma dönemi boyunca izlenmiş ve analiz edilmiştir. Tomurcuklanma döneminde sadece 0.80 olan ortalama YAİ, kademeli olarak artarak yaprak verme döneminden sonra 1.49'a ulaşmıştır.