Photosynthesis is an essential process to mangrove forest carbon cycling, which plays a critical role in the global carbon cycle. We investigated how differences in mangrove island micro-elevation (i.e., habitat) affect tree physiology in a scrub mangrove forests of the southeastern Everglades. We measured leaf gas exchange rates of scrub Rhizophora mangle trees monthly during 2019, hypothesizing that CO2 assimilation (Anet) and stomatal conductance (gsw) would decline with increases in water level and salinity, with larger differences at mangrove islands edges than centers, where inundation and salt stress are greatest. Water levels varied between 0 and 60 cm, rising during the wet season (May-October) relative to the dry season (November-April). Porewater salinity ranged from 15 to 30 ppt, being higher at mangrove island edges compared to centers. Anet maximized at 15.1 µmol m-2 s-1, and gsw was typically <0.2 mol m-2 s-1, both of which were greater in the dry than the wet season and greater at mangrove island centers than edges. After accounting for season and habitat, water level had a positive effect on Anet in both seasons, but no effect on gsw. Similarly, porewater salinity had a slightly positive marginal effect on Anet but a negligible effect on gsw Our findings suggest that water levels drive variation in Anet more than salinity in Everglades scrub mangroves, while also constraining Anet more than gsw, and that the interaction between permanent flooding and habitat varies with season as physiological stress is alleviated at higher-elevation mangrove island center habitats in the dry season. Additionally, habitat heterogeneity leads to differences in nutrient and water acquisition and use between trees growing in island centers versus edges, creating distinct physiological controls on leaf physiology and photosynthesis which could ultimately affect carbon flux dynamics of scrub mangrove forests across the Everglades landscape.