Historically, studies have examined how local habitat, resources and
species interactions influence community structure in stream ecosystems.
Increasingly, though, attention has turned to understanding how regional
factors (e.g. dispersal) interact with local conditions to influence
communities. Often dispersal of organisms occurs in spatially
constrained habitats, which can drastically influence community
assembly. Dendritic networks are an example, and have a branching
spatial configuration with some branches of the system more connected to
others, making dispersal easier, while other locations are more
isolated. As interest in multi-scale community assembly mechanisms has
increased, less work has focused on the relationship between community
assembly and ecosystem processes. Here, we sought to understand how
consumer-resource interactions unfold in river networks. We predicted
that stream network location would mediate detritivore (shredder)
richness and abundance, and in turn would be associated with a shift in
decomposition of organic matter (leaf litter). To examine this, we
manipulated leaf litter species in isolated (headwaters) and connected
(mainstem) stream reaches. We found that shredder richness and abundance
were influenced by both leaf litter quality and network location.
Headwater environments supported a stronger consumer-resource
relationship, and shredder communities were further richer and more
abundant. This was not the case in mainstem locations. In these
relatively harsher environments, we offer that shredders did not appear
to be actively feeding on the resources, but rather utilizing leaf
litter more for habitat. Our results suggest river network position has
important implications for how ecosystem function changes across
spatially constrained environments.