Os óleos essenciais obtidos por hidrodestilação das folhas de quatro espécies de Piper (P. arboreum, P. crassinervium, P. dilatatum and P. tuberculatum), coletadas no estado do Ceará, foram analisados por CG-EM. Os rendimentos dos óleos, calculados sobre o peso do material fresco, variaram entre 0,03 -0,11% (p/p). Os óleos foram caracterizados pela presença de mono-e sesquiterpenos, exceto o óleo de P. arboreum, no qual foram identificados apenas sesquiterpenos. β-Elemeno (0,58-3,03%), (E)-cariofileno (2,71-37,78%), germacreno D (3,43-11,81%), biciclogermacreno (2,83-25,07%) e δ-cadineno (0,52-2,44%) foram detectados em todas as amostras analisadas. Os monoterpenos majoritários identificados foram α-pineno (11,27%), β-pineno (20,01%), 1,8-cineol (10,81%) e linalol (28,61%) para P. crassinervium, e α-felandreno (22,53%) e ∆-3-careno (10,20%) para P. dilatatum. Biciclogermacreno (25,03 e 25,07%) para P. arboreum e P. dilatatum, (E)-nerolidol (11,12%) para P. arboreum, germacreno D (11,81%) para P. tuberculatum e (E)-cariofileno (10,26 e 37,78%) para P. dilatatum e P. tuberculatum, foram os principais sesquiterpenos. Este trabalho descreve, pela primeira vez, a composição química dos óleos essenciais de P. crassinervium e P. tuberculatum.The essential oils, obtained by hydrodistillation, from leaf samples of four Piper species (P. arboreum, P. crassinervium, P. dilatatum and P. tuberculatum), harvested at the State of Ceará, were analyzed by GC-MS. The oil yields ranged from 0.03 to 0.11% (w/w), on fresh weight basis. The oils were characterized by mono-and sesquiterpenes, except the oil of P. arboreum to which only sesquiterpenes were identified. β-Elemene (0.58-3.03%), (E)-caryophyllene (2.71-37.78%), germacrene D (3.43-11.81%), bicyclogermacrene (2.83 and 25.07%) and δ-cadinene (0.52-2.44%) were detected in all oil samples. The major identified monoterpenes were α-pinene (11.27%), β-pinene (20.01%), 1,8-cineole (10.81%) and linalool (28.61%) for P. crassinervium and, α-phellandrene (22.53%) and ∆-3-carene (10.20%) for P. dilatatum. The major sesquiterpenes were bicyclogermacrene (25.03 and 25.07%) for P. arboreum and P. dilatatum, (E)-nerolidol (11.12%) for P. arboreum, germacrene D (11.81%) for P. tuberculatum and, (E)-caryophylene (10.26 and 37.78%) for P. dilatatum and P. tuberculatum. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report about the chemical composition of the leaf essential oils of P. crassinervium and P. tuberculatum.