SUMMARYLeaf senescetYce was analyzed in stay-green mutants of Phaseolus vulgaris. Impaired yellowing in these genotypes was accompanied by abnormal retention of tbylakoid membrane proteins including tbe ligbt-bar\'esting cblorophyll-binding protein of photosystem II, tbe 33 kDa polypeptide of tbe oxygen-evolving complex, cytocbrome/ and tbe psaF protein of pbotosystem I. On tbe other band, ribulose bispbospbate carboxylase was somewbat more labile in tbe mutant than tbe wild-type. Tbe stay-green cbaracter was not associated with unusual persistence of cbloropbyll biosynthesis etizymes. During senescence, normal leaf tissue accunnulated an array of fluorescent (FCC) and non-fluorescent (NCC) compounds witb cbromatograpbic and spectropbotometric properties similar to tbose of cbloropbyll catabolites previously identified in otber species. Witb the exception of one prominent NCC and a trace of one FCC, tbese constituents were absent from extracts of stay-green genotypes, strongly supporting tbe proposal tbat tbey are indeed products of cbloropbyll breakdown. Tbe kinetics of tbeir accumulation during senescence was consistent witb a primary or intermediary role for FCCs in tbe catabolic pathway wbereas NCCs seem to be final products. Tbe complement of FCCs and NCCs in Phaseolus vulgaris was as distinct from that of tbe previously-studied species barley and rape as tbe latter are from each otber. Genotj'pic and interspecific variations in tbe biochemistry of senescence are discussed in relation to genetic regulation of tbe process.