Th e genus Eurya is described as strictly dioecious, but rare leaky plants have been found in some species, causing much confusion about the sex expression of the genus. Th rough fi eld investigations from 2009 to 2011, morphologically hermaphroditic fl owers in Eurya obtusifolia were discovered. In order to understand the sex expression of these plants, their stamens, pistils and ovules were carefully observed. Staining methods were used to assess the functional gender. Th e fl owers of the leaky plants can be classifi ed into six types: pistillate, staminate, cryptic pistillate, cryptic staminate, hermaphrodite and infertile. Leaky plants usually exhibit a combination of diff erent kinds of fl owers, making them either gynoecious, androecious, gynomonoecious or monoecious. Some individuals have infertile fl owers. Bagging experiments verifi ed the bisexual function of E. obtusifolia plants, some of which possess the ability to self-pollinate. Th e fl ower morphology of leaky plants varied more than that of dioecious ones, and the number of ovules were signifi cantly negatively correlated with the number of stamens. Th ese plants show lower fi tness than normal dioecious plants. Th is may owe to allocation tradeoff s or sexual genome confl icts. As leaky dioecy is rarely reported in this genus, E. obtusifolia is an important species to study in order to better understand the ecological adaptations and evolutionary pathways that lead to dioecy in Eurya . Our fi ndings provide some evidence that dioecy of Eurya evolved from hermaphroditism, but further studies are still needed.