Purpose/Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate a nonface-to-face crown designing module in a preclinical dental course.Methods: Free dental planning software (Blue Sky Plan) was installed on the personal computers of dental college students, and a #46 full veneer crown designing practice was performed individually. An online survey was conducted on the computers' specification and main usage of the students, the practice process, and results. Statistical analysis was conducted to analyze the association between variables, such as "operating system," "central processing unit ," "number of cores," "random-access memory (RAM)," "graphic card," and task performance. Results: Of the D2 students, 75.4% (52 of 69) responded to the survey. Overall, 96% of the respondents used their computers, and all respondents had no problem running the program. Most of the students marked their level of computer literacy as intermediate and had purchased the computers for the purpose of performing light work. The most common specifications of the computer were Intel i5, quad core, 8 GB RAM, and Windows 10. Students had little experience with computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing before the class. The relationship between computer specifications and task performance was not statistically significant. Conclusions: Overall, students with intermediate-level computer literacy used computers with less than the recommended specifications of the program; however, they were able to run the program and individually proceed with modules to submit results. Using an individually available crown designing program can provide an opportunity to diversify curricula and broaden students' perspectives even under circumstances like the COVID-19 pandemic that limits intimate face-to face classes.