Two centrifuge models with the same target relative density (Dr = 65%) were conducted in different centrifugal acceleration (30 g for Model-A and 15 g for Model-B) at Zhejiang University (ZJU) to validate generalized scaling law in the program of LEAP-ASIA-2019. The same model used in LEAP-UCD-2017 was repeated, representing a 5-degree slope consisting of saturated Ottawa F-65 sand. This chapter describes test facilities, instrumentations layout, and test procedures. Uncertainty analysis is also carried out in input parameters (e.g., achieved peak ground acceleration, achieved density and the degree of saturation). The test results of acceleration, excess pore water pressures, and displacement etc. were compared at prototype scale to check the validity of the generalized scaling law (GSL). The preliminary experiment results of Zhejiang University show that the Type II generalized scaling law is applicable to the acceleration response while has a weak applicability to the displacement response.