This paper presents an effective management of VM (Virtual Machine) for heterogeneous cloud using Common Deployment Model (CDM) brokering mechanism. The effective utilization of VM is achieved by means of task scheduling with VM placement technique. The placements of VM for the physical machine are analyzed with respect to execution time of the task. The idle time of the VM is utilized productively in order to improve the performance. The VMs are also scheduled to maintain the state of the current VM after the task completion. CDM based algorithm maintains two directories namely Active Directory (AD) and Passive Directory (PD). These directories maintain VM with proper configuration mapping of the physical machines to perform two operations namely VM migration and VM roll back. VM migration operation is performed from AD to PD whereas VM roll back operation is performed from PD to AD. The main objectives of the proposed algorithm is to manage the VM's idle time effectively and to maximize the utilization of resources at the data center. The VM placement and VM scheduling algorithms are analyzed in various dimensions of the cloud and the results are compared with iCanCloud model.