A valoração do conhecimento representa uma lacuna na área do conhecimento organizacional. Esse artigo visa responder quais processos são adotados pelos indivíduos para a valoração dos conhecimentos nas organizações. A pesquisa, realizada com profissionais de RH, utilizou grounded theory method. Os resultados sugerem que o processo de identificação dos indivíduos com a identidade organizacional ocupa um lugar central na valoração do conhecimento. A organização, por intermédio da alta gestão ou das rotinas organizacionais, surgiu como "o outro" que parece conduzir as diretrizes a serem seguidas, assim como quais conhecimentos avaliar e valorar; aquela com quem os membros organizacionais buscam identificar-se. Os indivíduos expressaram mecanismos de afirmação, adequação ou reconstrução de suas identidades a fim de gerar, justificar ou negar identificação com a organização. É sugerido que o modelo de comando vertical ainda prevalece sobre a interação horizontal, tornando difícil o estabelecimento de conhecimento emergente entre os membros organizacionais. Abstract Knowledge assessment represents a gap in the area of organizational knowledge. This article seeks to determine what means are adopted by individuals in evaluating the knowledge of organizations. The research employed the grounded theory method and was carried out by human resources (HR) professionals. The results suggest that the process of providing individuals with an organizational identity occupies a central place in knowledge valuation. The organization has emerged as ¨the other¨ by means of senior management or organizational routines and this appears to have led to the guidelines that must be followed as well as the type of knowledge to be appraised and evaluated -a kind of knowledge with which the members of the organization can seek to be identified. Individuals devise mechanisms of self-affirmation, cultural adaptation or reconstruction with regard to their identities, with the aim of bringing about, explaining or denying their identification with a company. It is suggested that the vertical control model still prevails over horizontal integration and this makes it difficult to ensure that the emerging knowledge is established among the members of the organization. keywords Organizational knowledge, knowledge valuation, organizational identity, identification, grounded theory. Conocimiento organizacional, valoración del conocimiento, identidad organizacional, identificación, método grounded theory.
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