The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the Linear Motion Graph learning module (PGeL) among Form Four students. The design of this study is the developmental research which involves the development of the PGeL learning module based on the ASSURE instructional design model. The module was developed by applying chunking elements, mnemonic, interactive simulations, POE approach (predict, observe and explain) and graphics techniques. The effectiveness of the PGeL module was investigated using the quasi-experimental design. A total of 94 secondary school students in Kuala Lumpur zone were selected as respondents using the cluster random sampling technique and consist of two groups; the treatment group and the control group. The effectiveness of the PGeL learning module was determined using pre-test and post-test question sets. Data analysis was carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) software. The findings showed that the developed PGeL learning module had high face validity and content validity of 97.1% and 95.3%, respectively. The pre-test and post-test questions were used to collect information on student achievement in the Linear Motion Graph topic. Analysis of student responses in context found that the treatment group showed a better improvement in achievement compared to the control group, with the best improvement being in problem-solving contexts. Independent samples t-test analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the pre-test score between the treatment group and the control group [t (92, p = 0.824) = -0.223, p>0.05]. Independent samples t-test analysis also showed that there was a significant difference in the post-test score between the treatment group and the control group [t (92, p = 0.000) = 10.919, p<0.05]. Furthermore, independent samples t-test analysis showed that there was a significant difference in achievement between the treatment group and the control group [t (92, p = 0.000) = 12.622, p<0.05]. In conclusion, the developed PGeL learning module is effective in improving the achievement of form four students in the Linear Motion Graph topic. The implication of this study is that the PGeL learning module is suitable for use as a learning aid for the Linear Motion Graph topic.