The e-Yantra project at IIT Bombay conducts an online competition, e-Yantra Robotics Competition (eYRC) which uses a Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology to train students to implement a robotics project in a step-by-step manner over a five month period. Participation is absolutely free. The competition provides all resources -robot, accessories, and a problem statement -to a participating team. If selected for the finals, e-Yantra pays for them to come to the finals at IIT Bombay. This makes the competition accessible to resource-poor student teams. In this paper we describe the methodology used in the 6th edition of eYRC, eYRC-2017 where we experimented with a Theme (projects abstracted into rulebooks) involving an advanced topic -3D Designing and interfacing with sensors and actuators. We demonstrate that the learning outcomes are consistent with our previous studies [1]. We infer that even 3D designing to create a working model can be effectively learnt in a competition mode through PBL.