Abstract. Despite the explosion of interest in big data in higher education and the ensuing rush for catch-all predictive algorithms, there has been relatively little focus on the pedagogical and pastoral contexts of learning. The provision of personalized feedback and support to students is often generalized and decontextualized, and examples of systems that enable contextualized support are notably absent from the learning analytics landscape. In this chapter we discuss the design and deployment of the Student Relationship Engagement System (SRES), a learning analytics system that is grounded primarily within the unique contexts of individual courses. The SRES, currently in use by teachers from 19 departments, takes a holistic and more human-centric view of data -one that puts the relationship between teacher and student at the center. Our approach means that teachers' pedagogical expertise in recognizing meaningful data, identifying subgroups of students for a range of support actions, and designing and deploying these actions, is facilitated by a customizable technology platform. We describe a case study of the application of this human-centric approach to learning analytics, including its impacts on improving student engagement and outcomes, and debate the cultural, pedagogical, and technical aspects of learning analytics implementation.Keywords: actionable intelligence, implementation, intelligence amplification, learning analytics, personalization, student engagement.
EDMEducational data mining EWS Early warning system LA Learning analytics LMS Learning management system SRES Student Relationship Engagement System 2
The state of data-driven student supportThe rise in use of technology mediation in learning scenarios is providing unprecedented amounts of data about how educational institutions work and how students participate in learning experiences. At the same time, learning scenarios are becoming increasingly diverse and complex. The areas of educational data mining (EDM) and learning analytics (LA) have emerged to address the issue of how to use data to improve our understanding of learning, and enhance the overall quality of the learning experience for the student. Although EDM and LA researchers and practitioners maintain a similar focus (Baker and Siemens 2014), they differ in their approach to data generated in educational settings. Researchers in EDM frequently focus their analyses on the formulation or improvement of data mining algorithms designed to detect and predict important factors in a learning scenario. LA, on the other hand, focuses on how these algorithms can be deployed and integrated in learning designs, used by teachers, and provide tangible improvements for students. However, in their initial stages, both disciplines placed their emphasis mostly on how data can be collected and used by algorithms and not so much on how these data can then lead to actions that have a positive effect on students.Prior to the availability of massive amounts of data, the area...