Meta-learning has many aspects, but its final goal is to discover in an automatic way many interesting models for a given data. Our early attempts in this area involved heterogeneous learning systems combined with a complexity-guided search for optimal models, performed within the framework of (dis)similarity based methods to discover "knowledge granules". This approach, inspired by neurocognitive mechanisms of information processing in the brain, is generalized here to learning based on parallel chains of transformations that extract useful information granules and use it as additional features. Various types of transformations that generate hidden features are analyzed and methods to generate them are discussed. They include restricted random projections, optimization of these features using projection pursuit methods, similarity-based and general kernel-based features, conditionally defined features, features derived from partial successes of various learning algorithms, and using the whole learning models as new features. In the enhanced feature space the goal of learning is to create image of the input data that can be directly handled by relatively simple decision processes. The focus is on hierarchical methods for generation of information, starting from new support features that are discovered by different types of data models created on similar tasks and successively building more complex features on the enhanced feature spaces. Resulting algorithms facilitate deep learning, and also enable understanding of structures present in the data by visualization of the results of data transformations and by creating logical, fuzzy and prototype-based rules based on new features. Relations to various machine-learning approaches, comparison of results, and neurocognitive inspirations for meta-learning are discussed.