Many studies have been carried out in the field of face-aging, from approaches that use pure image process algorithms, to approaches that use generative adversarial networks. In this paper, we provide a review of a classic approach to an approach using a Generative Adversarial Network. Discuss Structure, formulation, learning algorithm, challenge, the advantages, and disadvantages of the algorithms contained in each proposed algorithm with systematic discussion. Generative Adversarial Networks is an approach that gets the status of the art in the field of face aging by adding an aging module, making special attention to the face part, and using an identity preserving module to preserve identity. In this paper, we also discuss the database used in facial aging, along with its characteristics. A dataset which used in the face aging process must have such criteria: (1) has a fair enough age group in the dataset, each age group must have a small range, (2) has a balanced distribution of each age group, and (3) has enough number of face images.