Integrating contemplative practices such as meditation and yoga may offer a comprehensive approach for the rise in mental health issues. We aimed to develop and validate a Heartfulness Meditation and Yoga protocol for individuals with low to moderate anxiety. In Phase 1, we developed the protocol from extensive literature survey using classical yoga texts and scientific studies. Phase 2 involved content validation through experts from fields related to yoga, Ayurveda, physiology, psychology, and psychiatry, by calculating the content validity ratio (CVR). Phase 3 consisted of a pilot study to check the feasibility and effectiveness of the protocol. Data were collected using Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), WHO-Well Being Index (WHO-WBI) and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). The final protocol encompassed practices such meditation, relaxation, cleaning and pranayamas. In the validation phase, 40 subject experts participated, and all practices (for low and moderate anxiety) were incorporated in the final protocol, as CVR scores were >0.29. Participants from the pilot study revealed a high satisfaction rate of 90% and significant reduction in anxiety, and improved well-being. Our approach was safe, feasible and effective, making it a promising addition to conventional anxiety treatments. In future, randomized clinical trials are required.
CTRI No. CTRI/2023/11/060151