Beyond the classroom, universities face other challenges, such as how CBE students are enrolled, how they qualify for financial aid, and how they obtain university services. In addition, universities must also work with accrediting agencies and the US Department of Education (USDOE) to determine how CBE credit will work. All of these topics, and others, such as new technologies, were discussed at the CBE Summit, held at the University of North Carolina's Friday Center and funded by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. "The summit was very valuable," said Joel Lee, assistant vice chancellor of enrollment services at Winston-Salem State University. "We've got two CBE programs (bachelor of science in nursing and master of health care administration) coming in the fall and I still learned a lot. This was a really good chance to talk with other schools. We were able to compare notes with other two-year and four-year colleges. " Throughout the day, one of the main themes in support of CBE was the changing face of education. Michelle Weise, executive director of the Sandbox Collaborative at Southern New Hampshire University, gave the morning's keynote address and stated that 74% of college students display at least one characteristic of "non-traditional students. " Weise noted that in 2009, employers sought 178 skillsets from potential employees; that number rose to 924 skillsets in 2012, and universities are struggling to keep up with the demand. CBE is one way to help students get credit for those skills necessary to get employment in the modern workforce. "CBE is not some sort of fad," said Weise, who has written about disruptive innovation theory and how CBE can do that for education. "It's not going anywhere. There's just too much common sense to CBE. " Charla Long, the executive director of the Competency-Based Education Network, gave the lunchtime keynote address and observed that ultimately CBE can increase access to higher education for students across the nation. Talking about the "iron triangle" of education-quality, affordability, and accessibility-Long said many educators believe that when using traditional methods, only two corners of the triangle can be achieved at any one time, with the third corner having to be sacrificed. But CBE is a way to achieve all three by increasing access and removing barriers to education. UNC president Margaret Spellings supports the summit's goals, noting that more people across the state must be educated at far higher levels if the state is Preface | ix to thrive in the years ahead. "Competency-based education holds great promise in helping achieve that vision," Spellings said. "By giving students a chance to earn credit based on mastery rather than class time, we can welcome more veterans and working adults, more distance-learners and non-traditional students. We can help students from all backgrounds earn a degree or a credential at a pace that fits their needs. " Michelle Solér, director of competency-based education and assessment for UNC General Administ...