2 These authors contributed equally to this work.While neural networks have been remarkably successful for a variety of practical problems, they are often applied as a black box, which limits their utility for scientific discoveries. Here, we present a neural network architecture that can be used to discover physical concepts from experimental data without being provided with additional prior knowledge. For a variety of simple systems in classical and quantum mechanics, our network learns to compress experimental data to a simple representation and uses the representation to answer questions about the physical system. Physical concepts can be extracted from the learned representation, namely: (1) The representation stores the physically relevant parameters, like the frequency of a pendulum.(2) The network finds and exploits conservation laws: it stores the total angular momentum to predict the motion of two colliding particles. (3) Given measurement data of a simple quantum mechanical system, the network correctly recognizes the number of degrees of freedom describing the underlying quantum state. (4) Given a time series of the positions of the Sun and Mars as observed from Earth, the network discovers the heliocentric model of the solar systemthat is, it encodes the data into the angles of the two planets as seen from the Sun. Our work provides a first step towards answering the question whether the traditional ways by which physicists model nature naturally arise from the experimental data without any mathematical and physical pre-knowledge, or if there are alternative elegant formalisms, which may solve some of the fundamental conceptual problems in modern physics, such as the measurement problem in quantum mechanics.Problem: Predict the position of a one-dimensional damped pendulum at different times.
Physical model: Equation of motionSolution:Observation: Time series of positions: o = x(t i ) i∈{1,...,50} ∈ R 50 , with equally spaced t i . Mass m = 1kg, amplitude A 0 = 1m and phase δ 0 = 0 are fixed; spring constant κ ∈ [5, 10] kg/s 2 and damping factor b ∈ [0.5, 1] kg/s are varied between training samples. Question: Prediction times: q = t pred ∈ R.Correct answer: Position at time t pred : a cor = x(t pred ) ∈ R .Implementation: Network depicted in Figure 1b with 3 latent neurons.
Key findings:• SciNet predicts the positions x(t pred ) with a root mean square error below 2% (with respect to the amplitude A 0 = 1m) (Figure 2a).• SciNet stores κ and b in two of the latent neurons, and does not store any information in the third latent neuron (Figure 2b).