Recurrent neural network (RNN) model trained to perform cognitive tasks is a useful computational tool for understanding how cortical circuits execute complex computations. However, these models are often composed of units that interact with one another using continuous signals and overlook parameters intrinsic to spiking neurons. Here, we developed a method to directly train not only synaptic-related variables but also membrane-related parameters of a spiking RNN model.Training our model on a wide range of cognitive tasks resulted in diverse yet task-specific synaptic and membrane parameters. We also show that fast membrane time constants and slow synaptic decay dynamics naturally emerge from our model when it is trained on tasks associated with working memory (WM). Further dissecting the optimized parameters revealed that fast membrane properties and slow synaptic dynamics are important for encoding stimuli and WM maintenance, respectively. This approach offers a unique window into how connectivity patterns and intrinsic neuronal properties contribute to complex dynamics in neural populations.
Results 40Here, we provide an overview of the method that we developed to directly train spiking recurrent 41 neural network (RNN) models (for more details see Methods). Throughout the study, we considered 42 recurrent network models composed of leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) units whose membrane voltage 43 dynamics were governed by: 44where τ m,i is the membrane time constant of unit i, v i (t) is the membrane voltage of unit i at time 45 t, v rest,i is the resting potential of unit i, and R i is the input resistance of unit i. I i (t) represents 46 the current input to unit i at time t, which is given by: 47 −1 ( Fig. 2A; see Methods). The two input stimuli for the DIS task were sinusoidal waves with 129 different frequencies, modeled after the task used by Romo et al. [32] where monkeys were trained 130 to discriminate two vibratory stimuli. If the first stimulus had a higher (lower) frequency, our RNN 131 model was trained to produce a positive (negative) output signal ( Fig. 2B; see Methods). 132It took longer to train our model on these two tasks compared to the delayed integration task 133 (7103.95 ± 3738.65 trials for the DMS task and 6985.47 ± 2112.34 trials for the DIS task). The 134 distributions of the tuned parameters from the two WM tasks were similar to the distributions 135 obtained from the delayed integration task (Fig. 2C and D). More importantly, we again observed 136 significantly faster membrane voltage dynamics and slower synaptic decay from the inhibitory 137 6