The objective of this study is to analyze the learning styles’ variation of Physical Education and Sports’(PES) trainee teachers in relation with demo-graphic factors, type of hybrid or distance training, and technopedagogical design envisaged for designing an Open Distance Learning based on Small Private Online Courses (ODL-SPOCs) device. We used the Learning Styles Question-naire (LSQ-Fa), an adapted and shortened version, as an instrument for measur-ing learning styles distributed to 65 trainee teachers in PES. We examined the ef-fect of these independent variables: sex, age, license’s type, work’s experience in PES or sport, training’s type, the content’s form of our ODL-SPOCs and in-structional tutoring needs and their interaction on variations in learning styles’ scores of PES trainee teachers at a threshold of p <0.05. The data is analyzed by ANOVA test by comparing the variables’ frequencies. The results revealed that trainee teachers aged 30 and over scored higher than those aged 20 to 24 and those aged 25 to 29 in these learning styles: reflectors, theorists and pragmatists. Thus, based on ANOVA test, we found that trainee teachers’ hybrid or distance training and their technical problem-solving needs have the most influence on learning style scores’ variation. Based on our results, we recommend to teachers who are SPOCs’ designer-tutors to identify and verify the learners’ learning styles variation in order to improve performance in open distance learning.