The Industry 4.0 vision anticipates that internet technologies will find their way into future factories replacing traditional components by dynamic and intelligent cyber-physical systems (CPS) that combine
IntroductionThe arising connection between the real physical world (like our homes and factories) and the digital world (support by internet technologies) brings more and more intelligent objects into our everyday lives and work contexts. The so-called Internet of Things facilitates, for instance, smart homes, which can adjust heat, light, and ventilation autonomously in order to optimize both energy consumption and comfort. The Internet of Things implies a revolution for the future factory environment, too. Following the Industry 4.0 vision [1] we expect the digitalisation to promote intelligent devices, which are able to learn from experiences, to communicate with each other, and to take decisions towards selfoptimization. Alongside this extensive automation, the human worker has been acknowledged as the most flexible entity in the production system, who plans, controls, manages, and trouble shoots. Thus, the demands for the employees' broad and interdisciplinary skills increase simultaneously.High complexity and various interdependencies result from the involved smart objects, which may act in a dynamic way instead of being static and predictable. Furthermore, production workers will initially have difficulties to keep track of the digital information behind the physical production environment. The challenge is that the digital mechanisms are invisible in nature. Professions in manufacturing or electronic engineering have to be enriched by interdisciplinary competences from computer science in order to make employees cope with their new requirements. Therefore, innovative and appropriate qualification is needed.In the light of the mentioned learning challenges within smart factories and other environments, we suggest a comprehensive approach combining current trends from human-machine interaction and insights from psychological and pedagogical science with the aim of developing interactive learning environments integrating real and virtual world.