FIG. 2. (a) Machine-learned phase map varying Γ/|K| and J 3 /|K| through the optimal solution for α-RuCl 3 at fixed J 1 /|K| = −0.1 and J 2 /|K| = 0, with K < 0. Labeled phases include ferromagnetic [FM], zigzag [Z.Z.] and planar zigzag [Z.Z. (2D)] orders. The ellipsoidal approximation to the optimal solution is marked in panel (a) in dark-red. Due to uneven sampling of the IMA process from which the data was taken, the prediction accuracy varies in parameter space resulting in a blotchy appearance. The different colors, which represent different structure factors S (Q), are predicted by a trained neural network as explained in the main text. Panel (b) shows the surrogate predicted neutron structure factor, S Sur (Q), at numbered locations indicated in (a) and Fig. 1(c). Corresponding spin structures for the long-range ordered phases labeled 1, 3-7 are given in the SM [21]. Note that Z.Z. and Z.Z. (2D) have similar long-range order, but along different spin-orientation directions. This occurs because, as discussed in Ref. [22], when K < 0 the spin orientation in zigzag ground states depends on the sign of Γ. Due to the neutron spin polarization factor, the two S (Q) are different in the shown plane, despite yielding the same trace over spin correlations, α S αα (Q). Some of the diffuse S (Q), taken at either phase boundaries or critical points, are also shown. The S (Q) labeled 11 and 12 are for the pure AFM and FM Kitaev models.