“…Finally, the other theories identified and used, albeit less recurrently, as a theoretical lenswithin the literature on SBMs were: sustainability leadership theory (Suriyankietkaew et al, 2022); triple bottom line theory (Mattera et al, 2022;Mattera and Gava., 2022); system theory (Dembek et al, 2022); cultural-historical activity theory (Vetoshkina and Toiviainen, 2022); social reproductive theory (Dal Mas et al, 2020); sustainable design theory (Baldassarre et al, 2020a); SBMI theory (Baldassarre et al, 2020b); social learning theory (Karlusch et al, 2018); network theory (Neumeyer and Santos, 2018); value-belief-norm theory (Abdelkafi and Täuscher, 2016); constraint theory (Birkin et al, 2009); dynamic capabilities theory (Oliveira-Dias et al, 2022); cocreation theory (Rosca and Bendul, 2016); pecking order theory (Islam and Chitakunye, 2017); institutional entrepreneurship theory (Gasbarro et al, 2018); grounded theory (Bocken and Geradts, 2020); pattern theory (Ludeke-Freud et al, 2018). Regarding these theories, it is worth noting how some papers also present a combination of two or more of these theories to analyze multiple aspects of the sustainable business model (Brenner et al, 2018;Evans et al, 2017;Galati et al, 2015;Lüdeke-Freund, 2020;Ordonez-Ponce et al, 2021).…”