No juried publications can excel without the tireless efforts of experts from all aerospace disciplines who volunteer their time to serve as anonymous reviewers. Indeed, the ultimate guarantors of quality and appropriateness of scholarly materials for a professional journal are the knowledge, integrity, and thoroughness of those who serve in this capacity. The thoughtful, careful, and timely work of the Editorial Board and the issue reviewers add substantively to the quality of the journal. On behalf of our Editorial Board, we extend our thanks.
STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVESThe University Aviation Association publishes the Collegiate Aviation Review International throughout each calendar year. Papers published in each volume and issue are selected from submissions that were subjected to a double blind peer review process.The University Aviation Association is the only professional organization representing all levels of the non-engineering/technology element in collegiate aviation education and research. Working through its officers, trustees, committees, and professional staff, the University Aviation Association plays a vital role in collegiate aviation and in the aerospace industry.The University Aviation Association accomplishes its goals through a number of objectives:To encourage and promote the attainment of the highest standards in aviation education at the college levelTo provide a means of developing a cadre of aviation experts who make themselves available for such activities as consultation, aviation program evaluation, speaking assignment, and other professional contributions that stimulate and develop aviation education To furnish an international vehicle for the dissemination of knowledge relative to aviation among institutions of higher learning and governmental and industrial organizations in the aviation/aerospace field To foster the interchange of information among institutions that offer non-engineering oriented aviation programs including business technology, transportation, and education To actively support aviation/aerospace oriented teacher education with particular emphasis on the presentation of educational workshops and the development of educational materials covering all disciplines within the aviation and aerospace field
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Editor's CommentaryIn this issue, there are seven professional papers and one literature review. The subjects are varied, and there does not appear to be any themes coming through the articles that would unify them by area of interest. This is the beauty of this publication. As aviation professionals, we have a vast array of subjects and areas of interest or concern from which to pluck subjects that interest us. During the annual assessment time, at every institution in UAA, our administrators ask each of us if our departments and schools perform research with persons from other disciplines. Our response to them is that there are few disciplines on a university campus not part of aviation.