“…Based on the extracted relations, implicit in the text, other relations are inferred, when combined with relations in PoeTryMe's semantic network. For Portuguese, the network currently used includes all the relations in at least two out of nine Portuguese lexical-semantic knowledge bases, including wordnets and dictionaries (Gonçalo Oliveira, 2017a). Therefore, it covers a rich set of relation types including not only synonymy, hypernymy and partOf, but also others, such as isSaid-OfWhatDoes (in Portuguese, dizSeDoQue), isSaid-About (dizSeSobre), hasQuality (temQualidade), has-State (temEstado), antonymyOf (antonimoDe), is-Part/Member/MaterialOf (parte/membro/materialDe), and isPartOfWhatIs (parteDeAlgoComPropriedade), which are exploited by Poeta 2.0 A set of rules was handcrafted for inferring new relations from a combination of one relation extracted from the tweets and another in PoeTryMe's semantic network.…”