In this paper, we consider the coupled elliptic system with critical exponent and logarithmic terms:
\begin{cases} -\Delta u=\lambda_{1}u+ \mu_1|u|^{2p-2}u+\beta |u|^{p-2}|v|^{p}u+\theta_1 u\log u^2, & \quad x\in \Omega,\\
-\Delta v=\lambda_{2}v+ \mu_2|v|^{2p-2}v+\beta |u|^{p}|v|^{p-2}v+\theta_2 v\log v^2, &\quad x\in \Omega,\\
u=v=0, &\quad x \in \partial \Omega, \end{cases} \end{equation}
where $\Omega \subset \R^N$ is a bounded smooth domain, $2p=2^*=\frac{2N}{N-2}$ is the Sobolev critical exponent. When $N \geq 5$, for different ranges of $\beta,\lambda_{i},\mu_i,\theta_{i}$, $i=1,2$, we obtain existence and nonexistence results of positive solutions via variational methods. The special case $N=4 $ was studied by the authors in (arXiv:2304.13822). Note that for $N\geq 5$, the critical exponent is given by $2p\in \sbr{2,4}$, whereas for $N=4$, it is $2p=4$. In the higher dimensional cases $N\geq 5$ brings new difficulties, and requires new ideas. Besides, we also study the Br\'ezis-Nirenberg problem with logarithmic perturbation \begin{equation}
-\Delta u=\lambda u+\mu |u|^{2p-2}u+\theta u \log u^2 \quad \text{ in }\Omega,
where $\mu>0, \theta<0$, $\lambda\in\R$, and obtain the existence of positive local minima and least energy solution under some certain assumptions.