Let S ∈ M d (C) + be a positive semidefinite d × d complex matrix and let a = (a i ) i∈I k ∈ R k >0 , indexed by I k = {1, . . . , k}, be a k-tuple of positive numbers. Let T d (a) denote the set of familiesis the product of spheres in C d endowed with the product metric. For a strictly convex unitarily invariant norm N in M d (C), we consider the generalized frame operator distance function Θ (N , S , a) defined on T d (a), given byIn this paper we determine the geometrical and spectral structure of local minimizers G 0 ∈ T d (a) of Θ (N , S , a) . In particular, we show that local minimizers are global minimizers, and that these families do not depend on the particular choice of N .