We recently provided mass spectrometric, H/D labeling,
and computational
evidence of pyranose to furanose N-acetylated ion
isomerization reactions that occurred prior to glycosidic bond cleavage
in both O- and N-linked glycosylated amino acid model systems (Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2021232325623266). These reactions occurred irrespective
of the glycosidic linkage stereochemistry (α or β) and
the N-acetylated hexose structure (GlcNAc or GalNAc).
In the present article, we test the generality of the preceding findings
by examining threonyl α-GalNAc-glycosylated peptides. We utilize
computational chemistry to compare the various dissociation and isomerization
pathways accessible with collisional activation. We then interrogate
the structure(s) of the resulting charged glycan and peptide fragments
with infrared “action” spectroscopy. Isomerization of
the original pyranose, the protonated glycopeptide [AT(GalNAc)A+H]+, is predicted to be facile compared to direct dissociation,
as is the glycosidic bond cleavage of the newly formed furanose form,
i.e., furanose oxazolinium ion structures are predicted to predominate.
IR action spectra for the m/z 204,
glycan fragment population support this prediction. The IR action
spectra of the complementary m/z 262 peptide fragment were assigned as a mixture of the lowest-energy
structures of [ATA+H]+ consistent with the literature.
If general, the change to a furanose m/z 204 product ion structure fundamentally alters the ion population
available for MS3 dissociation and glycopeptide sequence