“…However, fish and fish products are know n as possible vehicles for parasites and m icroorganism s. Infec tion and contam ination are introduced principally when fish are caught, during processing, and during preparation o f fish and seafood by food handlers and restaurateurs. M icrobi ological outbreaks have been associated with fish consum p tion in A ustria (30), A rgentina (36), A ustralia (32,33), M exico (34), Panam a (26), the United K ingdom (45), and the United States (15,38). M oreover, more than 30,000 cases o f hum an anisakidosis have been reported w orldwide, mainly in Japan, the United States, and European coastal regions, areas where consum ption o f raw or undercooked fish and cephalopods is com m on (1,18).…”