Let T be an aperiodic and repetitive tiling of R d with finite local complexity. We present a spectral sequence that converges to the K-theory of T with page-2 given by a new cohomology that will be called PV in reference to the Pimsner-Voiculescu exact sequence. It is a generalization of the Serre spectral sequence. The PV cohomology of T generalizes the cohomology of the base space of a fibration with local coefficients in the K-theory of its fiber. We prove that it is isomorphic to thě Cech cohomology of the hull of T (a compactification of the family of its translates).
Main ResultsLet T be an aperiodic and repetitive tiling of R d with finite local complexity (definition 3). The hull Ω is a compactification, with respect to an appropriate topology, of the family of translates of T by vectors of R d (definition 4). The tiles of T are given compatible ∆-complex decompositions (section 4.2), with each simplex punctured, and the ∆-transversal Ξ ∆ is the subset of Ω corresponding to translates of T having the puncture of one of those simplices at the origin 0 R d . The prototile space B 0 (definition 9) is built out of the prototiles of T (translational equivalence classes of tiles) by gluing them together according to the local configurations of their representatives in the tiling. The hull is given a dynamical system structure via the natural action of the group R d on itself by translation [13]. The C * -algebra of the hull is isomorphic to the crossed-productThere is a map p o from the hull onto the prototile space (proposition 1)which, thanks to a lamination structure on Ω (remark 2), resembles (although is not) a fibration with base space B 0 and fiber Ξ ∆ (remark 4). The Pimsner-Voiculescu (PV) *