In earlier work, the authors described a relation between the Poincaré series and the classical monodromy zeta function corresponding to a quasihomogeneous polynomial. Here we formulate an equivariant version of this relation in terms of the Burnside rings of finite abelian groups and their analogues.Let f (x 1 , . . . , x n ) be a quasihomogeneous polynomial. In [1], [2], there was described a relation between the Poincaré series P X (t) of the coordinate ring of a hypersurface singularity X = {f = 0} and the classical monodromy zeta function ζ f (t) of the polynomial f . The relation involved the so called Saito duality: [7], [8]. Namely, in [2], it was shown thatHere Or X (t) is a rational function determined by the orbit types of the natural C * -action on X (see, e.g., [3]), ζ f = ζ f (t)/(1 − t) is the reduced monodromy zeta function of f , and ζ * f (t) is the Saito dual of ζ f (t) with respect to the quasidegree of the polynomial f .This relation had no intrinsic explanation. It was obtained by computation of both sides and comparison of the results. In particular, the role of the Saito duality remained unclear. In [4], an equivariant version of the Saito duality for a finite abelian group was formulated as a transformation between the Burnside rings of the group G and of the group G * of its characters. Here we use the Burnside rings and their analogues to define equivariant versions of * Partially supported by the DFG Mercator program (INST 187/490-1), the Russian government grant 11.G34.31.0005, RFBR-10-01-00678, NSh-8462.2010.1.